Contents of the blog
How we have covered in our lectures?
How we cover in our lectures?
In our lectures, we can IPR in 3 Lectures.
Lecture 1 : IPR & Patent Law. 2 Hours by Krishnan Sir.
Nature of IPR. UPSC 2008 PYQ.
Types of IPR.
Why we need IPR & Justification.
Trace International Efforts on IPR.
Comparison - Patents vs Copyright vs Trade Mark vs Designs vs GI
Patent law - Meaning & Earlier laws.
2017 PYQ UPSC - Invention. 3 Elements.
2013 PYQ UPSC - Inventive steps.
Section 3- What are not inventions with examples. [Detailed discussion]
Procedure of Obtaining patent (Section 6-47)
Duration of Patent
Working of Patent
Rights and Duties of Patentee. Section 47-53. [UPSC PYQ 2020]
Restoration of Lapsed Patents. Section 60-62.
Revocation of Patent. (Sections 63-66)
Compulsory Licensing. UPSC PYQ 2015.
Termination of Compulsory License. [Section 94]
Infringement of Patents and Remedies . [Sections 104-107-A]
Remedies under Patent laws.
Lecture 2 : Copyright law. Malathi Ma'am. 2 Hours.
Why Copyright.
Meaning & Extent of Copyright.
Performer's rights
Rights of Broadcasting Organisation
2013 UPSC PYQ.
Definition of Copyright.
Characteristics of Copyright.
Musical work | Artistic Work | Cinematograph | Sound Recording
Economic Rights | Moral rights | Neighbouring Rights.
2020 UPSC PYQ Question discussion.
Terms of Copyrights
Transmission of Copyright
Infringement of Copyright
UPSC PYQ discussions [All other Questions]
Infringement and Remedies under Copyrights.
Lecture 3 : Trademark laws. Krishnan sir. 2 Hours.
Why Trademark Law
Meaning of Trademark with Trademark Rules 2017.
Marks eligible under Trademark law
Sound Marks | Olfactory Marks
Chapter 2 | Register and Conditions of Registration - Registry, Registration of TM, Relative & Absolute grounds of Registration, Associated TMs.
Infringement of Trademark. [UPSC PYQ Discussion]
Principle of Passing off [2010 UPSC PYQ]
Well-Known Trademark
Certification Trademark
Collective Trademark
Hashtag as Trademark? [Current Affairs]
Copyright in Registered Designs.
In addition to this students are required to prepare a summary/salient features on the following laws :
Designs Act 2000
Definition of Design [Section 2(d)]
Copyright in Registered designs. Section 11-20.
Summary of Remaining Provisions.
Biological Diversity Act 2002
Regulation of Access to Biological diversity.
Compare and read National Bio-diversity board [Sections19-21] vs. State Bio-diversity Board [Sections.22-25] vs Local Biodiversity FUND [Sections 42-47]
Duties of Central and State Government. [Section 36-40]
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act 2001.
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority and Registry. [Ss.3-13]
Farmer's rights [Section 39-46] V. Reseachers Rights [Section 30]
Compulsory Licence [Section 47-53]
Infringement, Offences, Penalties and Procedure. [Sections 64-77]