Q.1)The right to ‘equality before the law’ contained in Article 14 of the Constitution of India is available to-
a)Natural persons b)Legal persons only c)Citizens of India d)All persons whether natural or legal
Q.2)Power of Judicial review means-
a)The power of the courts to define and interpret constitution b)The powers of courts to declare null and void any legislative or executive act, which is against the provisions of the constitution c)The power of judiciary to define and interpret laws d)The power of the courts to legislate when there is no statutory provision
Q.3)Which of the following right cannot be suspended during emergency?
a)Freedom under Article 19 b)Right to Constitutional remedies c)Right under Article 21 and 22 d)Rights under Article 20 and 21
Q.4)Concept of Fundamental Rights is borrowed from-
a)Japan b)USA c)Germany d)UK
Q.5)Fundamental duties have been borrowed from-
a)Australia b)Germany c)Russia d)Ireland
Q.6)Rule of ‘Procedure established by law’ is borrowed from-
a)US b)British Constitution c)Japan d)Canada
Q.7)Article 21A providing for ‘Right to education’ has been added in Constitution by-
a)42nd amendment b)44th Amendment c)86th Amendment d)93rd Amendment
Q.8)Which of the following Article of the Constitution provides for Adult Suffrage?
a)Article 242 b)Article 326 c)Article 340 d)Article 153
Q.9)Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner?
a)Prime Minister b)President c)Chief Justice of India d)Governor
Q.10)Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?
a)Suraj Bhan b)Ross Barkar c)SuKumar Sen d)Sunil Arora
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