What happened ? Despite protests and uproar by the Opposition, the Karnataka Legislative Council has passed the bill regarding cow slaughter by voice vote- The Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Bill, 2020.
Act notified
The controversial Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Prevention of Cattle Act, 2020 was notified and has received the assent of Governor.
Aim of the Act | The Preamble of the Act provides for comprehensive legislation for the prevention of slaughter and preservation of cattle.
Provisions of the Bill
This Bill will replace the Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Act, 1964 which is repealed.
It bans all forms of cattle slaughter.
Penalizes the offenders who involve in cattle slaughtering. Penalties for violation prescribe punishment of between 3- 7 years and fine ranging from 50,000 to Rs. 10 Lakh.
Buffalo (male or female) below the age of 13 years cannot be slaughtered.
Smuggling and transportation of animals for slaughter is an offence.
Police is empowered to conduct search and seize on the basis of ‘reason to believe’ that cattle is being sold, purchased or disposed of for the purpose of slaughter.
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